How It Works

How It Works

As a first time user, You login to the website, click on the Start button, it takes you to the Registration page. On the Registration/Login page...As a first time user, you click on the Register button and fill out the quick form to have Dashboard all set. Returning users, login in with your registered email and password and voila! Your Dashboard!

As a first-time user, The platform comes with a default card. You can go ahead to create your very own Learning boards by creating your Cards.

HOW DO I CREATE MY CARDS Click on the Default Page to start, then go to the Menu Option and click on ADD NEW COREGRADE CARD and fill in the Title and Description column and ADD PAGE. VIOLA! CARD CREATED!

The Default cards have a Menu, Overview and Introductory video on how Coregrade Works!

The Menu Option The menu has a list of functions to make it all personal. They include the ability to create a Fresh New card on your Board, sharing your creative Card with a friend like a study buddy and things you plan to learn.

Once, Card is created, it appears on My Board Page then you go to configure Tab, this helps to Add more Cards to your Board, however, referred to as Pages.

HOW TO ADD TO MY CARDS There are a few ways to do these; one way is to go to the Configure Tab, there appear Two columns-- ADD NEW PAGE AND MY PAGES. Move to the Add New Page Section and fill in the requirements, there, you have it! NEW CARD ADDED.

Once the NEW CARD is added, you have access to Manage your Page. HOW TO MANAGE MY CARD Select your Card, toggle between the added features - Adding Notes to Card, video uploads, Action Item; listing what to study first, Todo Task on that particular Card, Forum; for more comprehension as it seems, not leaving out where Resources and Research; where learning materials are gathered from for easy referencing. Your Learning, Your Dashboard, Your Pattern. You craft What you want to learn and how you want to.

HOW TO SHARE MY PAGE The sharing Feature is in the configure Tab; My pages list, select the Page you desire to share, and there is a command to share your Page. Once clicked, a prompt window page will display, and there you follow on how you want it shared either privately or publicly. However, public Page share does have an expiration.